Not free WiFi, complimentary breakfast is what travellers want, shows survey

Complimentary breakfast has secured the top position among guests globally this year, for the most preferred amenities, knocking off last year's free WiFi from the top position, according to a recent survey.
"Last year's victor, free WiFi, was knocked to third position when it comes to most preferred hotel amenity. When customers were asked to rank 33 different amenities, it was found that breakfast was the first choice amongst travellers, followed by an accessible restaurant," according to a survey by leading online accommodation booking website
However, when guests were asked for the most important amenity found inside the hotel room, free WiFi came out on top followed by a bathroom with a shower, while child care in the room was voted the least important.
"Travellers seem to have become fixated on where their next meal is coming from and this is highlighted in the findings. With the ever-increasing importance of technology it's surprising to see free WiFi has fallen from the top spot in the overall hotel amenities list, though it is still the most important for those when they are actually inside their hotel room, showing that keeping in contact whilst away remains a priority."'s Alison Couper said.
The top ten amenities chosen for the ideal hotel also included parking, smoke-free areas and coffee and tea available in hotel lobby upon arrival, the survey revealed.

On the other hand amenities like child-friendly amenities, pet friendly services and hair salons were voted least important.

Conference centres and meeting rooms were also seen to be one of the least important amenities, even though over a third of respondents were business travellers (35 per cent), it pointed out.

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